“Ariel” by Sylvia Plath

“Stasis in darkness.

Then the substanceless blue   

Pour of tor and distances.

God’s lioness,   

How one we grow,

Pivot of heels and knees!—The furrow

Splits and passes, sister to   

The brown arc

Of the neck I cannot catch,


Berries cast dark   


Black sweet blood mouthfuls,   


Something else

Hauls me through air—

Thighs, hair;

Flakes from my heels.


Godiva, I unpeel—

Dead hands, dead stringencies.

And now I

Foam to wheat, a glitter of seas.   

The child’s cry

Melts in the wall.   

And I

Am the arrow,

The dew that flies

Suicidal, at one with the drive   

Into the red

Eye, the cauldron of morning.”

-Sylvia Plath

    This poem by Sylvia Plath is an exemplifying losing control, in her situation of a horse whose name is Ariel. Plath states, “Of the neck I cannot catch,” which is showing of when you feel like life is slipping gradually from your grasp due to a loss of control. For this example life would be Ariel who is slipping out of Plath’s hands as she struggles to regain control.

    Secondly, the narrator states, “Dead hands, dead stringencies.” Basically, after she loses control, she begins to fall apart as she realizes that her fate is no longer in her hands.

Why I Love to Read

I personally love to read because it makes me feel like I am in a different world and the characters are like my friends and family that I can actually trust. Reading makes me feel like I have travelled the world and could do anything that i want to do. I feel invincible and unbreakable. Reading is an escape from the actual pain and truth of the real world. Even though reading brings on judgement from your peers about being a nerd or weird but by reading you take away the hurt of those words and the characters become either your friends or your enemies. You get a connection with them and that is why it can be emotionally hard to read because you never it to end.

Song Analysis

I Hope You Dance is a pop song originally performed by Lee Ann Womack. Tia Sillers wrote the song during a low point in her life, she was going through a divorce. While she wrote it she sat by the oceans edge and felt small and inconsequential. Even though she was struggling through a hard time something good came out of it(the song). The lyrics show that you should keep pushing though whatever comes your way and to never give up. This is important to me because I struggled through very hard times when I was younger and this songs lyrics  made me realize that there is always a rainbow after the rain just like good things come out of bad times.


Maria Popova on Being Interesting, Creating More Time in a Day, and how to Start a Successful Blog

In the podcast, Maria Popova on Being Interesting, Creating More Time in a Day, and how to Start a Successful Blog, I agree with most of what she was saying. The idea that I felt most connected to was, “The key to being interesting is to be  interested.” This quote shows that if you want people to listen to your idea that you need to seem interested yourself.  

   This explains why certain authors and speakers are more engaging than others, because they make the reader or listener feel as strong about the topic as they do. Therefore, more people will be persuaded by your idea of you share how you feel on the topic. Mary Popova uses this idea in her podcast because she expresses how strongly she feels on certain topics. Imagine if you are trying to convince somebody of an idea you don’t believe in, it will be harder because you are not truly interested. In conclusion, the more interested you are in your writing it causes the reader to be more engaged.